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Summer at Music4Kids

Summer is a great time  to get started playing a musical instrument, honing your vocal skills, or singing in a choir! 


If you take music in school, don't let your music skills go dormant - join us for the summer!!


​Scroll down for more information on one of these Summer Music options:​

Intro to Music
(ages 9-14)
Does your child dream of playing in a rock band? 
Give them their wish this summer!

Intro to Music - Piano, Guitar, & Drums

July 29 - August 20 

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 1:00-1:45

Final Concert Performance on Saturday, August 23​


Space is limited and will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis.  â€‹


What each participant will receive:

  • Eight 45 minute Lessons With A Small Group Of New Friends

  • Loaner Guitar or Drum Practice Kit if you need them

  •  Intro to Music Book

  • Rock Band Week Plus Concert Performance Where You'll Get To Experience Rocking Out In A Band

  • Intro To Music Certificate And Graduation Photo With Your Band

  • Waiver of Enrollment fee for ongoing lessons in the fall



​It's the Ultimate Beginner Experience!


Cost: $249 

Early Bird Discounts:

25% off before March 15
15% off March 15 - Apri 15


Lock in your discount

with a $50 Deposit


Kindermusik Summer Mini-Camps 

(Ages 1-7)












Children and trains make a natural match - always on the move! Hop on board our special Zoo Train, the Allee-Alle-O, for an exciting music adventure! We'll visit animal habitats, ride the carousel, and explore different music concepts as we sing, dance, and move like zoo animals. Ready for a summer of fun? All Abooooard!   60 minutes - adult participates with their child throughout the class.


What each participant will receive:

  • ​Four 60-minute classes featuring Kindermusik's delightful mix of singing, dancing, instrument play, creative movement, and a story time. 

  • Music4Kids Tote Bag

  • Zoo Train story book

  • Weekly Craft

  • Weekly take-home small instrument or prop

  • Waiver of enrollment fee for ongoing classes in the fall when you enroll before the end of your mini-camp


Cost: $132 

Early Bird Discounts:

25% off before March 15
15% off March 15 - Apri 15


Lock in your discount

with a $50 Deposit


















​Pack your bags! We're hitting the road in our trusty ride, Van Go. We'll visit favorite destinations - the cottage, the fair, the beach, and the campsite. Along the way, we'll fire up our imaginations and build social skills while we sing, play musical instruments, and move to music. So buckle up for some fun, because there's so much to do On the Road!  90 minutes - parents join the class for the last 30 minutes.


What each participant will receive:

  • Four 60- or 90-minute classes featuring Kindermusik's delightful mix of singing, dancing, instrument play, creative movement, and a story time. 

  • Music4Kids Tote Bag

  • On the Road story book

  • Weekly Craft

  • Weekly take-home small instrument or prop

  • Waiver of enrollment fee for ongoing classes in the fall when you enroll before the end of your mini-camp


Cost: $199 

Early Bird Discounts:

25% off before March 15

15% off March 15 - Apri 15


Lock in your discount

with a $50 Deposit


Zoo Train

Ages 1-7 yrs. with participating adult (baby siblings welcome at no additional charge)


July 29 - August 19

Tuesdays 11:00-Noon


Space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis


On the Road

Ages 4 - 6 yrs. - adult joins last 30 minutes (younger siblings welcome to accompany parent)


July 1 - 22

Tuesdays 10:00-11:30 


Space is limited and filled on a first come, first served basis.



Summer Ukulele 


Summer Ukulele (ages 8-12)

July 3 - August 21

Thursdays 10:00-10:45​


Summer Ukulele (ages 14-adults)

July 3 - August 21

Thursdays 11:00-11:45


Space is Limited and will be filled on a first come, first served basis.


​​​​Explore the joy of playing this easy-to-learn instrument!  In this fun and interactive class you will learn to play melodies and chords for favorite songs with a group of new friends. No prior experience necessary - just bring your ukulele and a smile!


What each participant will receive:

  • ​Eight 45-minute group lessons

  • Music4Kids Tote Bag

  • Ukulele Book

  • A Summer's worth of Ukulele Fun!


Cost: $199​

Early Bird Discounts:

25% off before March 15

15% off March 15 - Apri 15


Loxk in your discount

with a $50 Deposit



​Musical Theatre Audition Workshop
Dates and Times TBA

Weekly Classes
and Lessons

Our weekly Kindermusik classes continue throughout the summer!    To Schedule a free preview class, choose the "free trial" payment plan when you click on the button below.​


Music Lessons.jpg

Summer is a great time to start lessons.  Because some students travel or for other reasons take some time off in the summer, we often have openings in those lessons that are normally full.  Students who are enrolled in the summer have priority for lesson times available in the new school year. 


Includes the Rogue Valley Kids Choir

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